Prof. M. Abdulla

ESMO 2011. [more..]

Head and Neck Cancer Symposium

Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Dubai, July, 2011. [more..]

International World Congress of GIT Tumors

International World Congress of GIT Tumors. [more..]

New Arabic Set for Cancer Prevention and Breast Cancer

معلومات باللغة العربية عن الوقاية من السرطان و سرطان الثدي. [more..]

Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic

Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic. [more..]


Prof. Mohamed Abdulla Oncology Clinic (Oncology Clinic)
12th Floor, 8th  Mourad St., Mourad Building, Giza

Postal Code: 12211

Phone: (202) 398-29-265
            (202) 398-29-263

Mobile: (2012) 31-42-207
            (2012) 23-65-498

Web  : www.oncologyclinic.org
E-mail: info@oncologyclinic.org

Head and Neck Cancer Symposium

 Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Dubai, July, 2011.

 Prof. Mohamed Abdulla is going to present the state of art in medical management of locally advanced, recurrent and/or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma during the event arranged by Sanofi-Aventis which is going to be held in Dubai, UAE during the period 6-9 July, 2011. Presentation will be soon available in the Oncologist Zone (GIT Section)

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