|26/09/2011| Prof. M. Abdulla
ESMO 2011. [more..] |08/06/2011| Head and Neck Cancer Symposium
Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Dubai, July, 2011. [more..] |08/06/2011| International World Congress of GIT Tumors
International World Congress of GIT Tumors. [more..] |12/12/2010| New Arabic Set for Cancer Prevention and Breast Cancer
معلومات باللغة العربية عن الوقاية من السرطان و سرطان الثدي. [more..] |01/11/2010| Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic
Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic. [more..]
Contact US
Prof. Mohamed Abdulla Oncology Clinic (Oncology Clinic)
12th Floor, 8th Mourad St., Mourad Building, Giza Postal Code: 12211 Phone: (202) 398-29-265, 398-29-263 Mobile: (2012) 23-65-498 & (2012) 31-42-207 Web :www.oncologyclinic.org E-mail:info@oncologyclinic.org