Prof. M. Abdulla

ESMO 2011. [more..]

Head and Neck Cancer Symposium

Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Dubai, July, 2011. [more..]

International World Congress of GIT Tumors

International World Congress of GIT Tumors. [more..]

New Arabic Set for Cancer Prevention and Breast Cancer

معلومات باللغة العربية عن الوقاية من السرطان و سرطان الثدي. [more..]

Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic

Dr. Emad Shash is Back to Clinic. [more..]


Prof. Mohamed Abdulla Oncology Clinic (Oncology Clinic)
12th Floor, 8th  Mourad St., Mourad Building, Giza

Postal Code: 12211

Phone: (202) 398-29-265
            (202) 398-29-263

Mobile: (2012) 31-42-207
            (2012) 23-65-498

Web  : www.oncologyclinic.org
E-mail: info@oncologyclinic.org

About US

 Oncology Clinic is a private oncology center that is located in the heart of Great Cairo with easy accessibility.

 The center is founded in the year 1998 by Dr. Mohamed Abdulla; Professor of Clinical Oncology & Nuclear Medicine, Kasr Al-Aini Medical School, Cairo University.

 Since that time we are sharing in the improvement of health care in the field of clinical oncology to be up to the standard.

What we offer?

Outpatient Services:
People coming to our clinic seeking the best; are offered the standard of care through our highly qualified physicians. Together with Prof. Abdulla we are trying to give you the best and nothing less.
We are offering initial evaluation, second opinions, consultations, treatments and follow up care. We are also involved in early detection programs and giving information about healthy life style and what to avoid.
Hand in hand helping people how to easily get over their disease and having answers to their questions. All this is in complete privacy ensuring patient rights.

Patients' privacy is extremely respected in our clinic: All treatment rooms are comfortable, with private bathrooms, air-conditioning and television. A highly trained staff of physicians and nurses are always available to monitor therapy, answer all questions and complaints. Patients receiving chemotherapy for longer duration are referred to our inpatient service located in the following:

  • El Shrouk Hospital.
  • Dar El Fouad Hospital.
  • El Amal Hospital.
  • Nile Badrawy Hospital.
  • Chabrawishi Hospital.
  • International Medical Center.
  • Kasr El-Aini New Teaching Hospital.

  • Radiotherapy:
    Radiation Therapy Treatment is continuing to be the heart of cancer management. In the era multimodality war against malignant disease; radiation therapy achieved dramatic responses and results as well as the ex-history of complications associated with radiation therapy can be avoided to a great extent due to advancing computer and software technology in the form of 3-dimensional image construction and the ability to deliver treatment in a conformal manner.  We are responsible for the full procedure of case selection, delineation, physical calculation and plan approval as well as clinical follow up of treated patients.
    Radiation Therapy Treatment is delivered in high brow centers applying the up-to-date standards of care. These centers are allocated in different zones for ease of approach especially for daily treatment. They are:

  • International Medical Center.
  • Nile Badrawy Cancer Center.
  • Chabrawishi Cancer Center.
  • Kasr El-Aini Center of Oncology & Nuclear Medicine (NEMROCK).

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